The VIA included 100 schools across Virginia as a part of the membership. The website, which launched in 2018, contains digitized photos, interviews, and other primary sources, mainly from the VSU Special Collections and Archives. VSU and VIAHA support Teaching for Change’s assertion that “education must encourage academic excellence and embrace crucial skills for progressive social change.” The joint project honors the legacy of the Black students and their teachers, coaches, and mentors who participated in the illustrious Association from 1954-1970. The Story of the VIA website is a collaborative project of Virginia State University (VSU), the VIA Heritage Association (VIAHA), and the Washington, DC, nonprofit organization Teaching for Change. Paul’s College, and VSU hosted math and science competitions.

Virginia State University (VSU) served as the host institution and primary location for athletic events, while Hampton Institute, Virginia Union University, St. The organization provided diverse activities such as athletics, arts, academic competitions, and student associations. The VIA was an organization of Black high schools created in 1954 before integration by Black principals and administrators with operational funds from the Virginia General Assembly. Murrell, Jr, the late educational psychologist, said: “Education is the practice of assisting people to find agency in, and responsibility for, the struggle for freedom.” The Virginia Interscholastic Association (VIA) embodied that concept.

Wright, September 23, 2021, Diverse: Issues in Higher Education The Virginia Interscholastic Association (VIA): An Example of Social and Emotional Learningīy Dr. This article was first published in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, September 23, 2021. Wright, associate professor of global affairs at Trinity, reflects on his collaborative work in creating the Story of VIA website, which documents, raises up and highlights the many contributions of the 100 Black high schools that were members of the Virginia Interscholastic Association (VIA), an organization created in 1954 before schools in Virginia were integrated.